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Mobile Kukan Toukei

Location-based data services

Mobile Kukan Toukei is statistical population information created based on the framework of the NTT DOCOMO mobile phone network. It’s possible to find out the types of people that have moved, when, from where to where, and how far.
It helps you formulate plans based on the daily actual behavior of consumers starting from promotions to disaster management plans.

  • * “Mobile Kukan Toukei” is a registered trademark of NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
  • * INTAGE is an authorized distributor of “Mobile Kukan Toukei.”

Characteristics of the Mobile Kukan Toukei

You can find out the gender and age group distribution of a population for different time slots

Example: Population makeup of “Harajuku” and “Akihabara”

It’s possible to find out where people who came to a certain place came from.

Example: Estimated data of “Where (place of residence) the people who are presently at Tokyo Station came from”

It’s possible to find out where people who were at a certain place were moving to.

Estimated data of “Where people who live in Setagaya Ward (place of residence) are moving to”

It’s possible to find out the number of overseas visitors to Japan at a given place at a given time.

Estimated country by country data of “overseas visitors in Minato Ward”

Data outline

Subject area Nationwide
Area units Minimum unit is a 500 meter mesh (for some cities, the unit is a 250 meter mesh)
Data period Residents of Japan: Since October 2013
Overseas visitors: Since November 2014
Time Minimum unit is 1 hour
Attribute Residents of Japan: Age group & gender/place of residence
Overseas visitors: Countries and regions (the country where the person signed their mobile phone contract)

How to use Mobile Kukan Toukei (example)

Deliver outdoor advertisements and flyers to the target effectively

Evaluate how well an event invited visitors

Find out the recent movements of overseas visitors to Japan and consider how to deal with it

Concerning privacy protection

Since Mobile Kukan Toukei is statistical population information which only shows the number of people in a group, it’s impossible to identify individual customers. DOCOMO, for the purpose of strictly protecting their customers’ privacy, published guidelines which summarize the basic matters that must be complied with when we create/provide Mobile Kukan Toukei.

We propose the sort of marketing research that can deal with your company's challenges.

Please feel free to contact us. The relevant team member will get in touch with you.

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